I was made for another planet. – A&Y at Neo Japan

It was that retro-rebelliousness sponsored by corporate entities which was so popular on the runways of New Japan. She was made for it. Not because she was retro, or even rebellious. Corporations didn’t sponsor actual dissidents. By making rebellion fashionable, they took away its power. It was an underhanded tactic that worked surprisingly well. When housewives shave their own heads for the sake of fashion, a malcontent looks surprisingly mainstream.
I was made for another planet, but I lost my way.

Hello, bloglings! A&Y released some new scifi awesomeness with this cape at Neo Japan. Pop on over and grab it, but only if you want to look this badass.

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On the artificial reproduction of the human experience of loneliness. – A&Y at Good Vibes Fair

“Am I human?” The thought swept through her brain as she stood in the darkness of the universe. Or, perhaps, as the darkness of the universe swept through her brain, she stood and thought, “Am I human?” It is a question of origins. Or, perhaps, it is a question of being.

She would shrug, if she could shrug. However, her power source was dwindling, and her body did not respond to the electrical impulses that fired from her brain when in power save mode. So, she did not experience the darkness of the universe around her, even if it seemed to her that it was pressing in on all sides. Is this what it means to be human, to experience such things? Loneliness, despair, abandonment? It must be a glitch with the power save mode; her processor decided.

On the artificial reproduction of the human experience of loneliness.

Hello, bloglings! I have a soon-to-be-released bikini from A&Y to s how you today. It has their usual fantastic and extremely customizable HUD along with their amazing cyber punk style. It is being released at the Good Vibes event which opens on the 15th.

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When our technology exceeds our humanity. – A&Y at XXX

 “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” – Einstein

Becoming Digital.

Hello, bloglings! New latex dress released by A&Y at XXX. Comes with their typical changing-all-the-parts HUD. It is so smooth and shiny. Krova also released this cool hoodie at We Love Roleplay, which has the option to wear the hood up or down. They don’t have many color options, but black is always useful.

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Human Progress is a Myth – A&Y

Assassins and mercenaries are no longer hired. We are built with machinery, money, and power. We are built to ignore ethical concerns. We are built precisely because we have no compunction, no humanity.

We are the legions that you built, and you deplore us, shaking your head at our methods. But our methods are your methods, written in algorithmic form. If we are ignoble, it is precisely because you are ignoble.

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Hello, bloglings! My apologies that this post is late. But A&Y released these legwarmers at XXX Monthly, which is over, but will be at the main store promptly. They match up with their Electra Cyber Glvoes release which I blogged previously here.


A&Y – Electra Cyber Legwarmers
sYs – Digital Tattoo
Gallactic – Raygun

Data Courier – Uber

“In the cities of the future, after the first EMP wiped out the networks, code becomes more valuable than gold, and those who smuggle it weave through the darkness above the normal flight paths to keep the grid alive. These data couriers are the unsung runners of the new Dark Age.”

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Hello, bloglings! Uber has opened and is full of lots of fun things this round. I’m not sure what the official theme is, but I would label it Tokyo Street Style. I was really inspired by this hoodie by Kitja. They have leather pants that go with it, but I chose to wear another pair by Canimal at the same event.

This lil story snippet above was written by my good friend Porlock. It went so well with the photo that I told him I was stealing it. ❤

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Defying Gravity.

I know you were pondering the other day (just as I was), “Why is there not more cyberpunk gear in SL? It doesn’t make sense with the vast number of geeks that hang out here.” But fear not, my little geeklings, FutureWave is here!

Defying Gravity.

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